Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's Too Early!!

So Julian wakes up at 6am. Not really that unusual, but normally he'll go back to sleep on his own. Well today he didn't. I was so tired. We got up at 6am yesterday because he had a Dr appointment. I didn't fall asleep until 10:30 last night. To top it off he was just plain cranky. No reason, just fussing which it unusual for him. I got him to take a nap at 10:30 though and he's still sleeping now at 1:15! I should have taken a nap, but I had things to do. Colin got me a Wii for Valentines Day, so I started doing Wii fit in hopes of losing some weight before my wedding in August. So far, according to Wii Fit, I've already lost almost 8lbs. I usually spend 1-2 hours a day working out & I've only been eating healthy foods. I hope it's right! I hear Julian waking up now. That means it's lunch time! I hope he's in a better mood now that he has had a nap.

1 comment:

  1. hey nat! So sorry to hear that you arent getting much sleep, i am with ya, i have those days too! Its so hard to get up with them when you are tired and its so dang early, i try to enjoy the time with him but then if they are cranky then it just makes it even that much worse lol. Thats awesome that you lost 8 pounds already!!! Im not going to know what to do when i see you next, you will look like a super model or something! Right on girl!
