Thursday, February 26, 2009


So, I'm back to finish what I started writing earlier, only I don't remember what else I was going to write! HAHA, oh well. The night before last Julian did the funniest thing. I think the funniest part was that he wasn't even fully awake. He had been asleep about 45 minutes or so when we heard him start to cry a bit. I figured he would go back to sleep so I just listened for a couple minutes. Well, he started crying a bit more & it was a different cry, so I went in to see what the deal was. I walk in and say 'hey buddy, what's wrong?' & usually if he hears me he'll look for me and want me to pick him up. Well, he didn't. He was sitting up facing his Rainforest Waterfall soother and touching it. I look around and his eyes are closed! So I found his binky & turned it on for him. Good thing I was standing right there because as soon as the music came on he fell right over and was back to sleep! I came out of the room laughing & Colin gave me a weird look, so I told him what Julian was crying about & he laughed too. I know he gets up a few times a night & turns it on, but that was the first time he wasn't able to get it turned on & he was so tired he couldn't even open his eyes.
Well, I have wedding updates to do, but I have to get ready to go shopping with my sister. She'll be here in an hour & I still have to dry my hair while Julian is still napping & feed him lunch before she gets here. Plus I haven't gotten his bag together yet. That part won't take but maybe 5 minutes, but I'm sure she'll be here before I'm ready to go. Oh well!


Yesterday was a weird day. Julian was a little fussy off and on, but he's teething and has a cold so I didn't think much of it. He woke up at 8am, as usual. At 10:30 he was ready for a nap & went right to sleep. He slept for 3 hours! Then my mom was watching TV last night & he got a blanket & wanted to sit with her. Withing 5-10 minutes he fell asleep. It was only 6:45!!! I thought for sure he'd be up by midnight & ready to play. Instead he slept until 7:30am! I don't know what's going on with all the sleeping, but I hope it doesn't mean he's getting more sick. He's acted fine today so far. We have to go do some shopping later, so I hope he's up for it. Well, he's got a present for me, so I'll have to write more later.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's Too Early!!

So Julian wakes up at 6am. Not really that unusual, but normally he'll go back to sleep on his own. Well today he didn't. I was so tired. We got up at 6am yesterday because he had a Dr appointment. I didn't fall asleep until 10:30 last night. To top it off he was just plain cranky. No reason, just fussing which it unusual for him. I got him to take a nap at 10:30 though and he's still sleeping now at 1:15! I should have taken a nap, but I had things to do. Colin got me a Wii for Valentines Day, so I started doing Wii fit in hopes of losing some weight before my wedding in August. So far, according to Wii Fit, I've already lost almost 8lbs. I usually spend 1-2 hours a day working out & I've only been eating healthy foods. I hope it's right! I hear Julian waking up now. That means it's lunch time! I hope he's in a better mood now that he has had a nap.